
Showing posts from October, 2018

Saving format

GIF: Graphics Interchange Format, a format used to create images for the web. The GIF will reduce the size of the image but it will not retain layers but it can keep the transparency, it can be animated and you will also be able to upload them. JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group, a compressed file format, designed to reduce file size, it will not retain layers or transparency, it can not be animated but you will be able to upload it. PNG: Portable Network Graphics. PNG was designed for transferring images on the internet, it will reduce the size of the image and will also keep the transparency. PNG will not retain layers and it can not be animated, PNG is uploadable. For example, you want to save as PNG when you designed a logo for a website. PSD: Adobe Photoshop Document PSD can retain layers, keep the transparency and it can also be animated. But PSD can not be uploaded, so you only save it as PSD when you not plan to upload it yet. TIF: Tagger Image File Format, T

Update music video photo

Three examples: 1. Balance: Before:                                                                        After:     By changing the shape of the butterfly to balance the picture, smaller the size of the blue butterfly and increase the size of the red/pink butterfly. Also move the blue one more close to the edge. Comparing both images, the one after is looking more balanced with one big and one small butterfly. 2. Repetition: Before:                                                                        After:     Copying people's image and paste it next to the original image which to create repetition, also changed the colour of the image after pasting it. The reason I think it's good is because there are also shadowing effects in the music video, which can use this image to inform the audiences that there are shadow effects included in the song. 3.  Contrast:     Before:                                                                      After:    He

principles of graphic design

1. Balance: Balance is design is similar to balance in physics. A large shape close to the center can be balanced by a small shape close to the edge. Balanced provides stability and structure to a design. It's the weight distributed in the design by the placement of your elements. example:       2.  Proximity: Proximity creates relationship between elements. It provides a focal point. Proximity doesn't mean that elements have to be placed together, it means they should be visually connected in someway. example:   3. Alignment: Allows us to create order and organisation. Aligning elements allows them to create a visual connection with each other. example:          4. Repetition: Repetition strengthens a design by typing together individual elements. It helps to create association and consistency. Repetition can create rhythm (a feeling of organized movement). example: 5. Contrast: refers to the arrangement of opposite elements (light vs. dark colors, rough v

butterfly effect music video


graphic design
