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Teenagers use them as a weapon to hurt each other, decrease face to face communication.
1. Writer: Marilyn Price-Mitchell, PhD the article was published in 2014. According to the article, the writer thought that social media was good, but overall was bad. Here was an quote from the article, "Sure, they’re great, incredibly useful, and fun time-killers. But the way teenagers abuse them, and turn them into mini social control rooms is frankly awful.” 
URL of the article: https://www.rootsofaction.com/disadvantages-of-social-networking/

Teenagers so heavily enmeshed in social media.
2. Writer: Robyn Treyvaud, the article was published in 2017. According to the article, the writer thought that social media was bringing a negative effect. Here was a quote from the article, "So while we struggle to understand the negative effects that social media can have on teenagers, we need to remember that the dark side of social media is often little more than a manifestation of the dark side of the humanity; a darkness that has always been there but- through its presence on social media- is now more visible than ever."
URL of the article: https://wanglefamilyinsites.com/advice/negative-effects-of-social-media-on-teens/

Social media  effecting businesses.
3. Writer: Amanda McMullen, the article was published in 2108. According to the article, the writer thought that social media was effecting businesses. Here was a quote from the article, "Social media also affects the way many retail businesses communicate with their customers. Customers may send private messages to the business, or they may post information publicly. Customers use social media to provide both positive and negative feedback about products or customer service."
URL of the article: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/social-media-affect-retail-businesses-39275.html


Social media can help people become more socialise.
1. Writer: Lauren Friedman, the article was published in 2014. According to the article, the writer was saying social media was bringing multiple benefits. Here was a quote from the article, "Social media can help you connect before, during and after networking event, a conference or a meeting. People can get to know you prior to meeting you and be better equipped to talk in person. I know I'vs met people in person for the first time after following them online for a while and we felt like long lost friends."
URL of the article: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20140422162738-44670464-5-benefits-of-using-social-media

Social media can help people on their business.
2. Writer: Sharron Nelson, the article was published in 2018. According to the article, the write thought that social media is helping millions of customer worldwide. Here was a quote from the article, "Social media is one of the most stress-free and profitable digital marketing platforms that can be used to increase your business visibility. ... By spending only a few hours per week, over 91% marketers claimed that their social marketing efforts greatly increased their brand visibility and heightened user experience."
URL of the article: https://www.digitaldoughnut.com/articles/2018/february/7-reasons-why-social-media-marketing-is-important

Social media can help people to make profit.
3. Writer: Uma Bhat, the article was published in 2018. According to the article, the writer was trying to inform that social media is having a positive effects on businesses. Here was a quote from the article, "Social media has become a powerful platform for marketing due to the high brand exposure and great return on investment. When more than 3 billion people are browsing social media content, it opens an infinite opportunity for brands and business to promote products and services using social media.
Social media marketing has positive effects on your business. It offers an opportunity for the public to find you on social media."   URL of the article: https://www.cloohawk.com/blog/6-positive-effects-social-media-marketing-your-business


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