Update music video photo

Three examples:

1. Balance:

Before:                                                                        After:


By changing the shape of the butterfly to balance the picture, smaller the size of the blue butterfly and increase the size of the red/pink butterfly. Also move the blue one more close to the edge. Comparing both images, the one after is looking more balanced with one big and one small butterfly.

2. Repetition:

Before:                                                                        After:


Copying people's image and paste it next to the original image which to create repetition, also changed the colour of the image after pasting it. The reason I think it's good is because there are also shadowing effects in the music video, which can use this image to inform the audiences that there are shadow effects included in the song.

3.  Contrast:
Before:                                                                      After:


Here I changed the colour of the background, I changed the pink colour to a bright orange. The reason why I think this is good is because the dark blue in the middle is the opposite colour of the bright orange at the background.


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